

1 g/cm³ - 2 g/cm³

Print properties

Printing temperature

0 ºC - 280 ºC

Print bed temperature

0 ºC - 120 ºC

Mechanical properties

Impact strength

0 KJ/m² - 100 KJ/m²

Elongation at break

0 % - 13200 %

Tensile strength

0 MPa - 130 MPa

Tensile modulus

0 MPa - 4610 MPa

Flexural strength

0 MPa - 2080 MPa

Flexural modulus

0 MPa - 13200 MPa

Surface hardness (scale)

0 - 9

Thermal properties

Softening temperature (ºC)

70 ºC - 140 ºC

Highlighted features


Wide selection of ABS filament with various options for diameter, spool size and format, colour and surface finish, such as translucent, glossy, phosphorescent and more.

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About ABS

Acrilonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) filament serves as another widely used material in the realm of 3D printing, valued for its durability, heat resistance, and versatility in various applications. Derived from petroleum-based resources, ABS is a thermoplastic polymer known for its robustness and ability to withstand higher temperatures compared to PLA. Despite its slightly higher printing temperature and potential for warping, ABS remains a popular choice among manufacturers, engineers, and industrial users seeking strong and durable prints for functional prototypes and end-use parts.


Using ABS filament in 3D printing typically requires a standard desktop FDM 3D printer equipped with a heated build platform to prevent warping and improve adhesion. ABS filament will also benefit from a closed heated chamber, especially for larger parts, to prevent warping. Factors such as printing temperature, bed temperature, and cooling settings must be carefully calibrated to achieve optimal results with ABS. Additionally, considerations regarding ventilation of the printing environment to mitigate potential fumes are crucial when working with ABS, as it may emit slight odors during the printing process. While ABS can be printed using both direct drive and Bowden extrusion systems, direct drive configurations are often preferred for their better control and reliability in handling filament properties.


ABS filament finds diverse applications in industries and disciplines ranging from automotive and aerospace to consumer goods and electronics. Its superior strength, impact resistance, and heat tolerance make it ideal for producing functional parts subjected to mechanical stresses or high temperatures. In engineering and manufacturing, ABS is commonly used to create prototypes, tools, and fixtures, where durability and precision are paramount. Furthermore, ABS`s ability to be post-processed through methods like sanding, painting, and acetone smoothing further extends its applications for achieving desired aesthetics and surface finishes. Overall, ABS filament offers a robust and versatile solution for a wide range of 3D printing projects, demonstrating its reliability and effectiveness in various industrial and creative endeavors.