

0 g/cm³ - 2 g/cm³

Print properties

Printing temperature

180 ºC - 280 ºC

Print bed temperature

20 ºC - 90 ºC

Mechanical properties

Impact strength

0 KJ/m² - 110 KJ/m²

Elongation at break

0 % - 300 %

Tensile strength

20 MPa - 2980 MPa

Tensile modulus

190 MPa - 9380 MPa

Flexural strength

40 MPa - 140 MPa

Flexural modulus

1170 MPa - 8060 MPa

Surface hardness (scale)

0 - 9

Thermal properties

Softening temperature (ºC)

50 ºC - 160 ºC

Highlighted features


Available in many colours, formats and with special properties, PET, PETG and CPE filaments are perfect for a wide range of applications across industries.

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About PET, PETG, and CPE Filaments

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol (PETG), and Copolyester (CPE) filaments represent a family of high-performance materials that cater to a wide range of 3D printing applications. PET, a widely used polymer, is recognized for its excellent strength, chemical resistance, and dimensional stability. When modified with glycol, as in PETG, the material gains enhanced flexibility, better printability, and improved impact resistance, making it ideal for more complex prints. CPE, a copolyester variant, brings even greater toughness and elasticity, withstanding higher levels of mechanical stress while maintaining excellent chemical resistance. Together, these materials offer users versatile options for creating durable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing 3D-printed parts.


When printing with PET, PETG, or CPE filaments, a standard FDM 3D printer with a heated bed is typically required to achieve optimal adhesion and minimize warping. PET filament often demands higher extrusion temperatures, while PETG balances moderate temperatures with slower print speeds to maintain print quality. CPE, known for its durability, generally requires careful tuning of settings to ensure smooth layer adhesion and avoid stringing or warping. All three materials are known for their low emissions and minimal odor during printing, contributing to a user-friendly experience that doesn`t require extensive ventilation.


PET, PETG, and CPE filaments serve a variety of industries, offering solutions for prototyping, manufacturing, and functional applications. PET’s strength and clarity make it ideal for packaging, consumer goods, and mechanical components. PETG, with its enhanced flexibility and impact resistance, is commonly used in medical devices, transparent parts, and functional components where durability is essential. CPE, due to its superior toughness and chemical resistance, is often chosen for industrial-grade parts that must endure long-term mechanical stress or harsh environments. These filaments provide the adaptability and reliability needed to meet the demands of both professional and enthusiast 3D printing projects.