
Finish effect

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1 g/cm³ - 2 g/cm³

Print properties

Printing temperature

250 ºC - 280 ºC

Print bed temperature

80 ºC - 120 ºC

Mechanical properties

Impact strength

0 KJ/m² - 60 KJ/m²

Elongation at break

0 % - 20 %

Tensile strength

0 MPa - 130 MPa

Tensile modulus

0 MPa - 9800 MPa

Flexural strength

0 MPa - 120 MPa

Flexural modulus

0 MPa - 9000 MPa

Surface hardness (scale)

7 - 8

Thermal properties

Softening temperature (ºC)

100 ºC - 190 ºC

Highlighted features

PC (Polycarbonate)

PC (Polycarbonate) is a rigid thermoplastic that is resistant to oils, greases and solvents and is a good electrical insulator. Available in many formats, with special fibres and properties.

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About PC

Polycarbonate (PC) filament represents a formidable option in the realm of 3D printing, valued for its exceptional strength, heat resistance, and optical clarity. Derived from thermoplastic polymers, PC filament offers users a robust material suitable for a wide range of demanding applications. With its superior impact resistance, heat tolerance, and dimensional stability, PC filament caters to professionals and enthusiasts seeking high-performance materials for both functional and structural prints.


Printing with PC filament typically requires a standard desktop FDM 3D printer equipped with a heated bed and a high-temperature extruder to ensure proper adhesion and minimize warping. PC filament also benefits from a closed heated chamber, especially for larger parts, to prevent warping. Adjustments to the printer settings may be necessary to meet the specific requirements of PC, including higher extrusion temperatures and slower print speeds to achieve optimal results. Additionally, PC filament benefits from a controlled printing environment with adequate ventilation to mitigate potential vapors and odors. Despite these considerations, PC filament offers excellent printability and dimensional stability, providing consistent and high-quality prints with exceptional strength and heat resistance.


PC filament finds various applications in diverse industries and disciplines, from engineering and manufacturing to automotive and aerospace. Its strength and heat resistance make it suitable for producing functional parts such as housings, enclosures, and mechanical components subjected to high temperatures and impacts. Additionally, the optical clarity and UV resistance of PC filament make it ideal for producing transparent parts, lenses, and optical components in lighting and optical applications. With its versatility and reliability, PC filament continues to gain popularity as a preferred choice for professionals seeking robust and high-performance materials for their 3D printing projects.