
Discover the latest news, tips and tricks on 3D printing. We continually analyze and test new products and materials, in order to guarantee the traceability and quality of our entire catalog, sharing our conclusions and experience on our blog.


Speeds and accelerations in 3D printing

This post highlights the significance of proper speed and acceleration settings in 3D printing. It discusses the parameters governing speeds and accelerations for FFF 3D printers across axes and explains common elements affecting printing speed adjustments.

Speeds and accelerations in 3D printing


Basic settings and maintenance of a resin 3D printer

LED-LCD-based resin 3D printers are significantly simpler than other technologies such as FDM or SLS. However, they also require regular calibration and maintenance.

Basic settings and maintenance of a resin 3D printer


3D printing with composite materials. What to have in mind

Filaments are often enriched with fibers or particles to achieve better thermo-mechanical, aesthetic or advanced specific properties. In this blog post you will find out how to successfully 3D print with composite materials.

3D printing with composite materials. What to have in mind


The supports in resin 3D printing

The use of supports in resin printing is always necessary. The parameters to be taken into account in their handling vary depending on the software, but the most common are: type, density, height, diameter and interconnection between supports.

The supports in resin 3D printing


How to detect and solve problems related to the manufacturing base.

The base or manufacturing platform is a fundamental part of any FDM 3D printer. In this post we will talk about how to get the best quality parts and avoid the risk of failure.

How to detect and solve problems related to the manufacturing base.


The hotend. Operation and thermal performance

The hotend is, together with the extruder, one of the most important parts of a FFF 3D printer. Although at first glance it may appear to be one of the simplest elements, it is one of the most complex, as it has to achieve optimum thermal performance.

The hotend. Operation and thermal performance


How to parameterise and optimise a resin

Setting the printing parameters correctly is a complex process that requires several trials. Values such as exposure (both 1st layer and the rest), speed and delay time will have to be changed several times until the right ones are found. The use of calibration models will help in assessing the quality and accuracy of these parameters.

How to parameterise and optimise a resin


Resin types and properties

With the appearance of new types of resin for 3D printing, specific applications arise that require the use of specific materials. In sectors such as dental, engineering or jewellery, we must pay attention to the specific properties of the resin in order to make the correct selection.

Resin types and properties


Maintenance and conservation of resins

Light, temperature, oxygen and humidity are elements that affect the correct preservation of resins. Find out how to properly store and maintain your 3D printing resins in this blog post.

Maintenance and conservation of resins


SLS Printing: Fundamentals and functioning

SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) uses powdered material for printing. It works by selectively "burning" designs into thin layers of the powder using a laser. Advantages include high precision, isotropic prints, no need for supports, excellent finish, and a variety of materials for printing.

SLS Printing: Fundamentals and functioning


Industrial resin 3D printing with Nexa3D XiP

The Nexa3D ultrafast open-materials XiP desktop 3D printer and an ample portfolio of professional 3D printing resins offer truly competitive and cost-efficient resin 3D printing solutions for various industrial applications.

Industrial resin 3D printing with Nexa3D XiP


Preservation of 3D printing materials

The final quality of the printed parts is strongly influenced by the quality of the raw material used in the production of the filament, as well as by its conservation. This is because the more homogeneous and constant the filament properties are, the more uniform the extrusion will be and the better surface quality the final part will have.

Preservation of 3D printing materials