
Discover the latest news, tips and tricks on 3D printing. We continually analyze and test new products and materials, in order to guarantee the traceability and quality of our entire catalog, sharing our conclusions and experience on our blog.


The importance of isotropy in 3D printing

When it comes to producing mechanical or structural components using 3D printing, it is very important to know what degree of isotropy can be achieved with each technology, as this will help predict its mechanical behavior. In this post we explain what isotropy is and if it is possible to obtain it with the main 3D printing technologies.

The importance of isotropy in 3D printing


What 3D printing can contribute to mold making

Today, formative methods using molds, such as plastic injection or investment casting, are still the most efficient and profitable processes when it comes to producing hundreds or thousands of units. Despite this, 3D printing is not relegated to the manufacture of a few units, as it can be very useful in the production of molds, essential in mass production.

What 3D printing can contribute to mold making


Our contribution to bend the curve in the face of this pandemic

From the beginning of this emergency situation caused by the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19, and being aware that any contribution and help from any field could be extremely important, we began to work on various fronts in which we believed we could contribute our small contribution in the fight to combat this global pandemic.

Our contribution to bend the curve in the face of this pandemic


3D Printing to fight against the COVID-19

Faced with the fight against the coronavirus COVID-19, great initiatives and solutions are emerging from solidarity and innovation, especially to alleviate the shortage of medical equipment and personal protective equipment. To make it easier to find and download files, we have compiled a collection of devices and designs that can be printed with any 3D FDM printer.

3D Printing to fight against the COVID-19


How to make a mask using 3D printing

Faced with this emergency situation caused by the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, Copper3D, manufacturer of the PLActive filament, has shared the design of a mask, a basic protection equipment whose stock is currently very low, for printing on practically any printer. 3D FDM.

How to make a mask using 3D printing


Information and protocol facing the coronavirus COVID-19 challenge

Due to the current exceptional situation and the challenge of containing the COVID-19 coronavirus, we have put in place various security measures in order to prioritize and guarantee the health of our equipment. The processing and dispatch of shipments will be carried out normally.

Information and protocol facing  the coronavirus COVID-19 challenge


Accuracy, precision and tolerance in 3D printing

The fact that a 3D printer has "high resolution" among its specifications does not mean that all 3D printed parts will be accurate and precise. Understanding the meaning of accuracy, precision and tolerance is essential to achieve a good result in any 3D printing. Below we detail what each of these terms means in the context of 3D printing.

Accuracy, precision and tolerance in 3D printing


How to make a 3D printed lithophane

A lithophane is a three-dimensional image with different thicknesses that cause the opacity of each of its parts to vary by projecting light on it, achieving a very showy and original result. 3D printing makes this technique much more accessible, and allows you to easily create a lithophane.

How to make a 3D printed lithophane


The importance of the layer fan

When talking about the functional parts of an FDM 3D printer, the layer fan is one of the most important components that can be found. A 3D printer usually has two fans in the HotEnd area, one in charge of cooling the HotEnd diffuser and another that cools the material that comes out of the nozzle. In this article we will talk about the latter, the layer fan.

The importance of the layer fan


Common problems and solutions in 3D printing

When using 3D printers (FFF / FDM), problems and unforeseen events (especially in non-professional 3D printers) may occur when printing the models that the user needs. This causes nuisance, delays and other inconveniences that the user of the 3D printer does not want to happen. Thus, this article proceeds to give a series of tips to solve these typical problems.

Common problems and solutions in 3D printing


How to create a 3D printing profile

In 3D printing there is always a series of factors that depend on the user, which often cause a print to be satisfactory or failed. All factors are collected in the print profile that each user uses in each 3D print.

How to create a 3D printing profile


How to chrome plastics

The appearance of new materials, such as PC-ABS has revolutionized 3D FDM printing and not only because it is a material with high mechanical properties and resistance to adverse environments, but also because it is one of the most used plastics when it comes to Get excellent surface chrome.

How to chrome plastics