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Cleaning brushes
fter a certain use of a 3D printer, preventive maintenance must be carried out, within which is the cleaning of the parts that make up the 3D printer. The cleaning brushes (nylon, brass and steel) are ideal for cleaning all the components and surfaces that make up the 3D printer. Thanks to its suitable brushing area (10x33 mm) and the ergonomic grip zone (170 mm), the cleaning brushes can access any corner of the 3D printer with great ease and thus reduce time and money in maintenance.
The cleaning brushes are made of three materials: nylon, brass and steel. With this range of materials cleaning on any surface is ensured and without causing damage or scratches on the element to be cleaned.
The nylon cleaning brush is common for removing dirt, especially dust and chips from any material, from delicate surfaces such as upholstery, fabrics, glass or other. In 3D printing the nylon brush is used on cables and electronic components or to remove dirt and filament chips from the interior, where adhesion of dirt to the printer is minimal. With this type of brush it is ensured not to damage any surface.
The brass cleaning brush is ideal for removing dirt or molten material from relatively hard surfaces, such as steel or high-strength plastics. This brush is ideal for removing traces of filaments, such as PLA or ABS, which can accumulate in the drive pinion of the extruder or on the outside of the nozzle. To perform this cleaning, the nozzle pmust be heated above the softening point of the material to be removed. For example, if you want to clean a nozzle traces of PLA, you must heat the nozzle t 100 ° C, once that temperature is reached you just have to pass the brass brush over the nozzle, without applying excessive force, and in few repetitions the nozzle it will be clean again.
The steel cleaning brush is the one that has the highest hardness of the three. It is likely that many users of a 3D printer after many hours of use are found with the brass nozzle completely filled with molten material or that a failed print has caused the same effect. In this case, the same process must be carried out as with the brass brush, but being very careful with the force applied for cleaning. Once removing more dense dirt it is recommended to use the brass brush to achieve an impeccable cleaning. With hardened steel nozzles the steel brush should be used, since the brass brush is not hard enough to remove dirt from the surface.
Therefore, with this pack of 3 brushes ensures the correct cleaning of the vast majority of elements of a 3D printer.
To avoid damage to the areas that you wish to clean, you must choose the cleaning brush correctly. To ensure that the cleaning brush (nylon, brass or steel) is adequate, it is recommended to make a test on a corner to avoid damage.
Cleaning brushes to maintain the 3D printer.