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xCLEAN parts washing solution Nexa 3D
Parts 3D printed with resin require post-processing in the form of washing and curing in order to achieve their final properties. Washing is a crucial and indispensable step as it removes uncured resin from the parts, preventing them from becoming sticky after post-curing. There are many part washing solutions available on the market, with IPA alcohol or TPM/DPM solvents being the most common. The xCLEAN part washing solution developed by Nexa 3D has properties that are superior to both those solutions.
When compared to IPA, xCLEAN has a higher flash point and 3 times more capacity than IPA. This means that while IPA alcohol must be changed after it reaches a 1 % resin saturation level, the xCLEAN washing solution can be used up to 8 % of saturation. This results in significantly lower waste and fewer changeovers, making the washing process more economical, more affordable, more efficient and quicker.
When compared to TPM or DPM washing solvents, the xCLEAN parts washing solution is made from smaller molecules, which eliminates the greasy residue typically associated with TPM or DPM. What makes xCLEAN even more accessible is that is compatible with most 3D printing resins and cleaning systems on the market, and easily recyclable with vacuum-assist solvent distillation. As far as the Nexa 3D resins, the recommended washing times can be consulted on the Nexa 3D support page. Detailed instructions on how to use xCLEAN can be found in the Usage Tips section.
In order to ensure user safety and properly cleaned parts, the user must follow certain rules when working with the XCLEAN part washing solution. Parts should be submerged in xCLEAN for 5-10 minutes and gently agitated to ensure that all uncured resin is removed. If the parts have complex geometries such as blind holes or long passages, a syringe or a pressurized jet can be used to remove the accumulated xCLEAN. The manufacturer explains how to do all that in a YouTube video:
It is highly recommended to use two baths of xCLEAN in order to achieve the full 20 % saturation limit of the solvent. Once the final bath reached 8 % of saturation with resin, the xCLEAN should be replaced. The final step is submerging the part in clean water to remove excess xCLEAN from the part's surface. Before curing, the part should sit at room temperature for around 6 hours or be placed in a dryer (20 min @ 60 ºC) to let the xCLEAN evaporate completely.
To avoid part stickiness, cracking, creasing or discoloration, the user should remember about:
In Video 2 it is explained in detail how to work with xCLEAN with those 4 rules in mind.
Safety should always be a priority in 3D printing and post-processing. Before the xCLEAN part washing solution is used, the user should review the Safety Datasheet thoroughly. Safety goggles should be used to protect the face and eyes from splashes, and gloves and protective garments should be worn to avoid skin irritation. The working space should be properly ventilated and xCLEAN should not be aerosolized to avoid respiratory irritation. The safety tutorial (Video 3) provided by Nexa 3D gives even more information (flammability, storage, transport, disposal, etc.) on how to ensure user safety when washing parts with xCLEAN.
Part washing solution for economical and efficient post-processing.