
Our experience in 3D printing allows us to have a wide knowledge about the different technologies and printing materials. In our blog you can find various tips and good practices to extract all their potential.


Which filament dryer should you choose?

Choosing the right filament dryer is pivotal in achieving impeccable 3D printing outcomes. Dive into our newest blog post where we talk about the best filament dryer options on the market right now. In this blog post you will also discover the essential factors to contemplate when choosing a filament dryer, such as efficacy in moisture management or compatibility with diverse filament types and 3D printers.

Which filament dryer should you choose?


Most common mechanical problems in FDM 3D printers

There are a number of mechanical problems in FFF 3D printers that can appear and need to be checked, that's why in this post we explain the most common mechanical problems and, in some cases, how to avoid or solve them.

Most common mechanical problems in FDM 3D printers


How to parameterise and optimise a resin

Setting the printing parameters correctly is a complex process that requires several trials. Values such as exposure (both 1st layer and the rest), speed and delay time will have to be changed several times until the right ones are found. The use of calibration models will help in assessing the quality and accuracy of these parameters.

How to parameterise and optimise a resin


Compatibility of resins. Importance of the light source

If we want to use a resin whose manufacturer differs from that of our printer, we must take into account 2 parameters: the wavelength for which it has been optimised (365 nm, 385 nm and 405 nm) and the technological compatibility (SLA and LED/DLP).

Compatibility of resins. Importance of the light source


Maintenance and conservation of resins

Light, temperature, oxygen and humidity are elements that affect the correct preservation of resins. Find out how to properly store and maintain your 3D printing resins in this blog post.

Maintenance and conservation of resins


How to troubleshoot build platform adhesion issues

First layer adhesion is key for successful 3D printing. Factors like coating type, slicing software settings, and base temperature affect it. Balancing adhesion is crucial; too much or too little can cause issues.

How to troubleshoot build platform adhesion issues


How to dye 3D printed parts with polyamide

The dyeing of 3D printed parts with polyamide offers the user great design freedom and the possibility of achieving customised finishes and colours. This article details all the steps to follow to achieve a uniform finish in the dyeing of 3D printed parts with nylon.

How to dye 3D printed parts with polyamide


Adhesion problems and solutions in FDM 3D printing

There are a number of different adhesion products available, but the most common are spray adhesives, vaporisers and liquid adhesives. In this article you can find some of the most common problems that the user may encounter when using adhesive products to adhere to the base.

Adhesion problems and solutions in FDM 3D printing


Open and closed solutions in 3D printing

There are 3D printer manufacturers that offer closed systems limited to the company's own products while others follow a more open philosophy. However, not everything is black and white and the choice of one model or the other depends on the type of user and their needs.

Open and closed solutions in 3D printing


FDM 3D printing construction volume

There is a popular belief that the larger the build volume of an FDM printer the better. However, a closer look at this reveals certain drawbacks that can tip the balance in favour of small format printers.

FDM 3D printing construction volume


How to choose the correct hotend

Currently there are several hotel options on the market, as well as different spare parts and accessories for each of them. With so many options, it can be difficult to select and configure the most suitable option for each user or application. In this post we explain what a hotend consists of and how to select the most suitable one.

How to choose the correct hotend


How to improve low-end FDM 3D printers

In general, most people start in the world of 3D printing through low-end economic printers. Despite the fact that some of these printers are good value for money, they have certain limitations, especially when using more advanced or technical materials. In this post we tell you how to improve these printers in order to give them advanced use and continue to delve into the world of 3D printing.

How to improve low-end FDM 3D printers
