
Our experience in 3D printing allows us to have a wide knowledge about the different technologies and printing materials. In our blog you can find various tips and good practices to extract all their potential.


All about 3D printer nozzles (III): Jams in the nozzle

The main causes that cause a jam in the extruder are the use of low quality materials, impurities lodged in the filament due to poor storage or use in temperatures outside the range recommended by the manufacturer. To solve jams in the nozzle we recommend using this methods.

All about 3D printer nozzles (III): Jams in the nozzle


All about 3D printer nozzles (II): When to change the nozzle

The nozzle of a 3D printer, like any element that is in contact (friction) with another material, presents a wear with the use, which varies depending on the material of the nozzle and the type of filament used. Know how to detect that the wear is accused and it is necessary to replace the nozzle.

All about 3D printer nozzles (II): When to change the nozzle


All about 3D printer nozzles (I): Classification and recommendations

One of the big doubts that arise to users of 3D printing is what are the differences between the different types of nozzles available in the market, which ones to use on each occasion, and what use and maintenance tips should be considered. Discover the main characteristics by which nozzles are classified and recommendations to choose the best nozzle according to your needs.

All about 3D printer nozzles (I): Classification and recommendations


How to get started in 3D printing

The main question that a user must do when it comes to getting started in 3D printing is: What use will the 3D printer have? This first question is easy to answer, since each user should be clear if he needs the 3D printer for professional or domestic use.

How to get started in 3D printing


Ideas for reusing empty filament coils

Once a person starts in the world of 3D FDM printing, begins to try and consume filament coils encounters a problem, what to do with all those empty coils.

Ideas for reusing empty filament coils


Humidity: The great enemy of the filaments for 3D printing

To have maximum reliability at the time of printing it is vital to have the maximum number of possible controlled variables, and humidity is one of them to ensure maximum robustness in the printing process.

Humidity: The great enemy of the filaments for 3D printing


Basic tools for maintaining the 3D printer

In the world of 3D printing there is an aspect that is not mentioned very often and that is of vital importance: having the basic tools for the maintenance of the 3D printer.

Basic tools for maintaining the 3D printer


Is your 3D printer compatible with advanced materials?

The world of 3D printing is constantly advancing and there are more and more materials on the market. Thanks to the uninterrupted development of this technology, it has born a new and advanced category of materials and 3D printers.

Is your 3D printer compatible with advanced materials?


How are FDM and SLA 3D printing technologies different?

3D printing isn't a recent technology as it seems, if not existing for many years, since 1986 when Chuck Hull, founder of 3D Systems, records the first 3D printer. This was a 3D SLA printer (StereoLithoGraphy), which uses a resin that solidifies by photopolymerization when a laser beam hits it.

How are FDM and SLA 3D printing technologies different?


Risks when printing in 3D

Every user must take into account certain risks that may occur during 3D printing. The two main sources of risk and more common are on the one hand the gases released during the fusion of the material, and on the other the possible sources of fire by misuse of the 3D printer or the poor condition of the electronics of the same.

Risks when printing in 3D


Types of 3D extruders and Hotend

The main function of the extruder is to move the filament from the reel to the HotEnd in the most precise way and at the speed suitable for 3D printing, but there are different classifications of the extruders. In this post we will analyze the main ones.

Types of 3D extruders and Hotend


What 3D printer to buy? Advice from experts

When buying a 3D printer it's necessary to take into account certain factors that can significantly affect the quality of your printing pieces. Our experts give you their opinion so you can make the best choice.

What 3D printer to buy? Advice from experts