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from 127.00 €/month(tax not included)
Sharebot Q - FDM 3D printer
Sharebot Q is a professional 3D printer with a print surface equivalent to an A3 format (29.7 x 42 x 30 cm).
Sharebot 3D printer is shipped fully assembled and is Plug & Play!, that is to say, it is only necessary to unpack it, remove the protection elements, place the printing base, load the filament and start printing in 3D. It also has a 5" touch screen in which the user can manage their own prints.
The flexible and magnetic platform system that allows to comfortably remove the prints of the base is one of its main novelties, as well as advances in user experience such as wireless connectivity and remote management through a web interface suitable for PC, Tablet and Smartphone. It also incorporates a video camera with internet connection for the user to follow the process of printing online.
Sharebot Q 3D printer also features an automatic self-calibration system that adjusts the print base every time a new project starts. The extruder incorporates a filament sensor that paralyzes printing if the filament of the coil is exhausted or if the 3D printer suffers some type of problem. In addition, Sharebot Q has a double feed system of the extruder (direct and bowden system) that facilitates the drag of the filament and improves the extrusion.
This 3D printer allows easy exchange of nozzles according to the type of material, thus offering better print quality. On the other hand, its print volume is 297x420x300mm and the maximum printing speed is 24 mm3/s with a layer thickness of 0.05mm (Maximum printing resolution).
Sharebot Q has an integrated system with two boxes for the reels: one for 750g reels on the left side and the other for 2.2 kg reels that is located at the bottom of the printer (below the print base). The size of the Sharebot Q 3D printer is 80x40x140 cm.
It is a 3D printer that reaches up to 280 °C extrusion and up to 90 °C bed. The delivery time from the confirmation of the order can vary between 2 and 5 weeks.
In the following links you can find the main usage tips provided by the manufacturer of the 3D printer Sharebot Q: